The Benefits of All-boys' Education

The development of his character and spirituality matter as much as his academic success...

Many think of all-boys schools as a tradition, but Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart is a school for boys by design.

A growing body of research shows that boys learn and develop differently from girls and that single-sex programs are more educationally effective than coeducational ones. At Princeton Academy, we have embraced these findings to create the best school for boys in the Princeton area. We have created a culture that is always asking: What is best for boys? Princeton Academy focuses with intention on learning that addresses not only how to excel in academics but also how to grow into a young man of integrity and empathy.

Learn more at one of our Admission Information Sessions:

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  • Schools for boys understand and celebrate boys
  • Schools for boys seek first to build good men
  • Schools for boys know that boys develop and learn in different ways
  • Schools for boys teach in ways that boys learn best
  • Schools for boys help students discover and explore their full potential
  • Schools for boys foster brotherhood and lifelong friendships
    *Why a School for Boys? (n.d.). Retrieved from